Turns out there's a decent handful of new ones, and there's a mystery cache RIGHT BY US IN THE MIDDLE OF MARTHA LAKE!
GC2935K An Island Oasis Is Sublime
Considering our upcoming streak of hot weather, we might have to get the boat out there.
Sidenote, there was a 5 lb. Steelhead caught in Martha Lake a couple weeks ago!
Okay, so in addition to the mystery cache, there are three that look like quick grabs that we might just get tonight:
GC62CXZ Come get your Smiley
GC5HGXQ A LittleFreeLibrary Cache
Our next outing will be down to the Mill Creek Town Center where there are two caches:
GC2EY1R The Power of Pride !
GC2QM12 KummaKummaKhameleon
Conveniently, there are Pokestops on the same trail!
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